I. Main idea:
similar to Python string’s format method like “ A is {title} of B”.format(title=”father”); Whereas, template engine is also a formatter, but much more powerful.
An important phase in any web application is generating HTML to be served to the browser.
Very few HTML pages are completely static: they involve at least a small amount of dynamic data, such as the user’s name. Usually, they contain a great deal of dynamic data: product listings, friends’ news updates, and so on.
The mostly-static style used in templates is the opposite of how most programming languages work.
A template language flips this around: the template file is mostly static literal text, with special notation to indicate the executable dynamic parts.
II. tech stacks
Python – Template language Django
Github: https://github.com/caomingkai/500-Lines-Or-Less
III. template syntax
dot :
<p>The price is: {{product.price}}, with a {{product.discount}}% discount.</p>
filters with pipe character:
<p>Short name: {{story.subject|slugify|lower}}</p>
logic control:
{% for product in product_list %}
<li>{{ product.name }}: {{ product.price|format_price }}</li>
{% endfor %}
{# This is the best template ever! #}
III. Two approach to implement the Template Engine
Two main phases: parsing the template, and then rendering the template
For ‘parsing phase’:
- interpretation (Django )
- compilation (Jinja2 and Mako | also, we will use)
IV. Compiling to Python
- The template engine will compile templates to Python method called “render_function(context, do_dots)”
- context dictionary : carry kinds of dynamic variables to be embedded in template
- do_dots method: passed-in method name, handling dot access
V. Code_bulider
- Being called by template object, to help to read passed-in lines, using ‘add-line()’
- Integrate lines into a well-formed python script
- return to templage object the final executable script by calling “ exec(python_source, global_namespace)”
1 | Code-builder |
VI. Template
- used to handle template, and parse it into executable lines
- call functions of Code-builder object, to produce an executable script to output ‘HTML string’
- with helper function: do_dots()
1 | Template |
VII. Template Test
- great introduction of unittest: https://www.jianshu.com/p/38948d0d73f5
- unittest是Python自带的单元测试框架,我们可以用其来作为我们自动化测试框架的用例组织执行框架
- unittest的流程:写好TestCase,然后由TestLoader加载TestCase到TestSuite,然后由TextTestRunner来运行TestSuite,运行的结果保存在TextTestResult中,我们通过命令行或者unittest.main()执行时,main会调用TextTestRunner中的run来执行,或者我们可以直接通过TextTestRunner来执行用例。
- 一个class继承unittest.TestCase即是一个TestCase,其中以 test 开头的方法在load时被加载为一个真正的TestCase。
- verbosity参数可以控制执行结果的输出,0 是简单报告、1 是一般报告、2 是详细报告。
可以通过addTest和addTests向suite中添加case或suite,可以用TestLoader的loadTestsFrom__()方法 - 用 setUp()、tearDown()、setUpClass()以及 tearDownClass()可以在用例执行前布置环境,以及在用例执行后清理环境
- 我们可以通过skip,skipIf,skipUnless装饰器跳过某个case,或者用TestCase.skipTest方法。